Address: Tanay
Sub-Category: Dramatic performance
Stories: • According to the performer of the Senakulo, every time they performed the Senakulo, their way of living changed, from having a lot of bad vices to becoming a responsible actor of Senakulo. The faith they have within grows stronger, and they perform the Senakulo with all their might. • In 1970 up to the 1990s there are stories that they built the stage on top of the bridge in the Aldea to Wawa called “bumbon ng tulay”, the material they used in building the stage is made of bamboo and it is removable. The stage that they made is when they performed the Senakulo. • Mrs. Reyes shared the love story of her father who fell in love with her mother and soon got married through the Passion. According to the story that Mrs. Reyes heard from her mother, the founder of the organization is her grandfather and his two friends. They search for a script containing the life and sufferings of Jesus. The scripts draw from both the Bible and the folk tradition. • There is almost no difference between the "Senakulo" in Tanay compared to other places when it comes to the purpose for which the senakulo is presented. There is a distinction depending on some element of the presentation, for example the script, there are organizations whose basis of the script is from the traditional passion book, while others use the bible. For those who have been performing for a long time, because of the changes, they have mixed traditional passion with that from the Bible.
Description: The Senakulo is a passion play that describes the life, sufferings, and the death of Jesus Christ based on events from both the Old and New Testaments. The Senakulo can be performed in two kinds, the Cantada and the Hablada. In Hablada the lines are spoken in a more deliberate manner showing the rhythmic measure of each verse and the rhyming in each stanza, while Cantada is sung like the Passion.